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Spectator N0 2675: Over The Sea By Fieldfare

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Matakari | 11:15 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Good day, an interesting puzzle! I’ve got the Unclueds quite easily, but am somewhat at sea with the following for which I seek help. Thanks in advance!

40a Acclaimed a confused person from Scots school (10) : ?E????I?A?

14d Island NATO for example picked up, European for years (7) : ?E?OWC?

29d Crippled, finally preach Letter to the Hebrews (6) : L?TE??




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40a Academical - anag 'acclaimed a'
14d Menorca - 'acronym' (NATO, eg) up, with 'E(uropean)' for 'y(ears)'
29d Lamedh - 'lamed' + '(preac)h' (finally)

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Many thanks, Lie-in King! I should have seen 40a and 29d, but it's done now!

Glad I could help 😊

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Just a confirmation for this one:
18d Excitedly interrupted cadences at first giving musical effect (6): ?GO?I?  ( AGOGIC )

And I have the hidden lover, a three-letter word, occupying two lines. Is this accepted in crosswords? Thanks again!

Yes to Agogic, Matakari - Agog, excitedly, then the first letters of Interrupted Cadences.

My three-letter word is the more usual crossword version, on a diagonal - and very close to yours, I expect!

PS Did you finish off Genius?

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Spectator N0 2675: Over The Sea By Fieldfare

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