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I Have Problems With Amazon Who Won't Help Me

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wiltsman | 19:31 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Law
10 Answers

In June I purchased a tyre inflator from the Amazon website at a cost of £22.99.

Yesterday, I found the inflator no longer worked when I went to check my tyres.

I went back online to the Amazon website to inform them of my situation and managed to get this response from their online messaging assistant:

'Unfortunately, this seller has left the platform and can no longer receive messages' ... It did sympathetically add, 'Sorry for the inconvenience'.

➡➡➡  What can I do to get my money back?  ⬅⬅⬅




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The same situation happened with a friend and he received a full refund from Amazon (the seller turned out to be a scammer) 

If an Amazon seller leaves the platform and a customer's item is defective, or damaged, Amazon's A-to-z Guarantee may cover the order.The A-to-z Guarantee applies to most orders placed with a Marketplace seller if the seller does not respond 


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Thank you Clementine for the useful information. I'll see if I can contact a real person to help me.

To speak to person from Amazon try these numbers:

a) 0800 2797234

b) 020 70847911

I have used both of these in the past with queries, or tto arrange refuinds. Hope they work.

Question Author

Thank you calda ... very useful.

I'll try and get something sorted today.


Have you initiated the refund procedure?

The Amazon bots will only have registered that you were sending a message to the seller; they replied saying the message couldn't be forwarded.

The refund process should be straightforward.

Question Author

Thank you Clementino, calda and barry for your help with my Amazon query.

As a result of using calda's 0800 number I was quickly speaking to a real live helpful person. As a result of that conversation the cost of the faulty item is being reimbursed to my bank account, and I was instructed to just dispose of the tyre inflator.

So, thank you to the three of you ... it proves that AnswerBank can come up with the goods when it matters!

Fab, Amazon is usually very good 

Hire a lawyer and sue Bezos....or forget it!

👍 great result 

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