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vonjon | 20:19 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

which poems are these lines from

1. From creamy kegs this clever chap

2. I told him worlds i knew

3. A silent cigarette

thanks for any help



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3 In Glasgow - Edwin Morgan

Question Author

thanks Toorak but i cannot find the answer to 3. just checked 'in glasgow' and the line 'a silent cigarette' is not in that poem. but thankyou for Q2.

1 Consumer Complaint by C. Marjorie Smith



When I was young - say, three or

four -- I was not put to ride, astride,

A trolley round a Super Store.

Nor wheeled between the loaded


Fromwhich the shoppers helped


Nor did I dare to raise my voice

Demanding goodies of my choice.

No! I was lifted on a stool

My dangling, gaitered legs to cool,

Bidden sit quietly - 'Not a word!

Nice children should be seen, not


Hatted and veiled, and also seated,

My Mother was with deference


Our Grocer - (apron, bow-tie, wax


Was all attention to her pleasure,

Gave his opinion of the weather,

Touched civilly on this and that

While pouring sugar on to flat

Thick squares of paper - fold and


Tuck in the corners - who could


A neater package? Then to hold the


He made a finger-loop of string!

(No smart machine to snip and snap

No sealing tape - or plastic wrap!)

From creamy kegs this clever chap

Sliced off two pounds of butter!


And shaped it with a wooden pat.

Intricate scrolls of red and gold

Patterned tall cannisters and told

What brands of tea were stored


Biscuits from an enormous tin

Were weighed out, loose, in paper

bags ---

(Oh how frustrated, now, I drag

At layers of cellophane that snag

My finger nails!) ---

----Straw-boated butcher in his


Of hanging carcasses, would slice

the chop

That took one's fancy ----

Oh! for hours

One could compare the Now and

Then! ----

Murdered by customer-protection


Those gracious days will not return


C. Marjorie S

Question Author

thank you Thewinner dont know why it didn't come up when i put In Glasgow 

thank you scorpiojo

it was Toorak.

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