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Unsupported Browser

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andy-hughes | 16:06 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | Technology
16 Answers

I am climbing the mountain trying to get my re-set computer back to roughly how it used to be.

I have opened my G-Mail account, and it tells me -

This browser version is no longer supported. Please upgrade to a supported browser.

Of course, in the usual way of technology, it doesn't bother to tell me how to do that.

Can anyone assist please?

Thank you.



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No help.....but.....

Welcome back!! ๐Ÿ˜€


Just about to post the same thing ๐Ÿ˜€

What browser are you using?  Try a different one

just google "xxxxxx browser latest version" where xxxxxx = the browser you like.

eg here is the one for Firefox


You could download the latest verison of Chrome since it and GMail are both Google things.

You've missed out a rather important piece of information, Barry, which is the name of the (apparently unsupported) web browser that you're using!

Gmail should work with Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge:;co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop

As it works with Chrome, it should also work with any other browser based upon the (developer-level) Chromium browser, such as Slimjet, Opera, Vivaldi and Brave. 

However some of those browsers might be based upon a slightly older version of Chromium that the latest version of Chrome is.  Gmail's server then thinks that you're using an older version of Chrome, rather than the latest version of Slimjet (or whatever) and so flashes up a message telling you to update your web browser.  Any such message can safely be ignored.

I think you've confused me with the OP, Buen :) 

Take it to a computer shop, Andy.

And Tilly2 gets the BA   !

^^^ Sorry, Andy and Barry!

Yes, I have indeed mis-typed your/his name.

The main substance of my post remains unchaged though, which is that the latest version of any Chromium-based browser (which means almost any of the main browsers these days) should work perfectly well with Gmail, even if the 'no longer supported' message appears.  (If, surprisingly, it doesn't, just switch to a different browser).

Did Andy mention which version of Windows his computer runs? I use W7 and you can't load the latest version of Chrome on it - needs 10 or 11.

Hallo Andy - glad you're back :-)

Why are you running Win7, its full of securoty holes?

To keep it simple just do what TTT says.


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Thanks for the advice all, and for the welcome back xx

I use W7 because it works with the programs I use with it and I don't do anything on it which risks security. I also have a w11 machine for banking etc.

I use Thunderbird, which allows me easy access to all my different e-mails - no need to enter passwords.

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