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The Kenny Everett Video Show

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davebro3 | 18:35 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | TV
13 Answers

Re-runs are as fresh as a daisy.

Could anything so funny, current & inventive be made now?

I despair.

Today featured GerryRafferty - second place to the god Peter Green!



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Where did you find this, davebro?

I used to love him back in the day.

Who's Peter Green?

Peter Green was one of the original bluesy Fleetwood Mac

I loved the Kenny Everett show back in the day.

(and as a testosterone fuelled teenager, Cleo Rocas)๐Ÿ˜‚

I watched a re-run recently and thought it was very amateurish, OTT and unfunny. I think it was the same one with Gerry Rafferty on. It was never for me but if some like it, fair enough- there's no right or wrong or good/bad with these things as we all have different tastes.

I must look out for him. 
The name of the character "Cupid Stunt" only dawned on me very late on ๐Ÿ˜‚

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That's TV (UK) - freeview 56 - evenings

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It's all in the best possible taste! ๐Ÿคฃ

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When Kenny parodied Rod Stewart with the inflatable bum was an absolute classic!

You have found a rerun ? Just been complaining that That's TV 3 is playing blooming Xmas music instead of Kenny and Benny ! Not that watching the same blooming series of each again and again is overly attractive. They both made more than one but TV land doesn't seem to realise.

18:51 Cupid Stunt was invented by Barry Cryer I think (the name, that is). Brilliant with wordplay was Baz.

19:04 or the one with him hiding under Demis Roussos' kaftan with a pair of pliers. Those high notes won't hit themselves ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

01:57, not W.A. Spooner then?

Kenny as the BeeGees, with big false teeth singing "MassiveChewSets"..Massachusetts.. brilliant!

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The Kenny Everett Video Show

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