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Most Haunted Prison

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nailedit | 16:47 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Why do people believe this guff?

There's loads of you tube vids about this been the most haunted prison in the UK.

(It closed in 2013 and is now a tourist attraction)


Having done 3 sentences plus a week on remand here back in the day, I can categorically confirm that it is about as haunted as a teapot...






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Just remember, Mary loves Dick.
16:53 Mon 16th Dec 2024

All part of TWWOTB people love to delude themselves.

Anything to get the tourists' money off them.

Just remember, Mary loves Dick.

Ghosts don't appear to order - not even if you pay.  Places like that no doubt provide a bit of fun but they're in business to make money and that's all they do.  

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I don't doubt that people have 'odd' experiences naomi and there is still so much to learn. Its just that I don't get how gullible people can be when viewing shows like these...


As stated, I've been in this prison 4 times in total between 1994 - 2001 and never once heard anything about a ghost/haunting from any screw or inmate.

It then shuts in 2013 and became a tourist attraction where you can visit for various purposes (guided tours, escape events, concerts, etc AND ghost hunts). Then all of a sudden theres loads of videos of people capturing ghosts on vids???


At least one thing is interesting. The 'haunted' cell (c203) featured in a lot of these vids, is on C wing. That was the sex offenders wing during my stays there...

It was also where the hanging cell was back in the day....

I find nothing is more interesting than sex-offenders wings but I'm loving angels instead.

Nailedit, I too think the 'ghost hunters' who fall for this sort of thing are gullible.

I know those thoughts running through you head doug!

Tell us about your haunted teapot.

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Most Haunted Prison

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