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Redeeming Points

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muskox | 00:19 Fri 27th Dec 2024 | Spam & Scams
4 Answers

How do scammers redeem my points in supermarkets without using my loyalty card, which I still have? (Have reported the fraud).



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Buenchico - you have been busy answering my questions tonight. Many thanks.

I had £50 of points stolen from my Nectar account muskox. Luckily I was reimbursed by Nectar but I keep one step ahead now. I use it on my shopping every time I get up to a fiver, and if I'm saving it for something in particular I transfer that fiver into a savings account, where it's safe, and it gradually builds up without the risk of it disappearing. Also that way it doesn't have to be spent in Sainsburys, you can spend it where you choose.

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Netty7 - thankyou. It's such a shame that our behaviour has to be altered because of criminal activity.

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