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Storage Heaters...again

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fruitsalad | 17:24 Fri 27th Dec 2024 | Home & Garden
5 Answers

We have been away for a few days over Xmas, I turned the storage heaters down to 15○ there is no heat coming out since I've turned them up to 21○ after getting home, does that now mean, they will need to heat up over night, to the higher temp before we feel the benefit.



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Yes, that's how the ones I had worked.  Hopeless.

Yes that's how they work, they use cheap lecky overnight to store heat for release during the day.

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Thank you, at least I know they are not faulty, they are a real pain, we have no gas in the property or I wouldn't hesitate to have a combi boiler.

You can get electric central heating boilers but I don't know how expensive they are to run


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Storage Heaters...again

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