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Ev 1675

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pomona | 15:32 Sun 29th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
14 Answers

It's alphabetical jigsaw, so no crossers to help until some answers filled in....there will be a spare letter in the wordplay..

6. Dare to laugh guarding small marked space. (6) extra wordplay letter is T

previous answer starts AP.., following answer AS

24. Confines learner oddly oncerequest rejected in court (7, 2 words) extra is A

2 either side are LE  and LO

28. Ends of games that might be cause of disappointment in playground (7) extra letter is L

either side NE and OR

24. Confines learner



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I haven't started this, but 24 could be Locks Up, with the A from Ask. request, being dropped.

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Yes , that works , thank you

Thanks, Pomona. I had a proper look and it seems fine - L, learner, O C from 'once', ks from 'ask' , request and Up, in court.

6 - AREOLA (in the clue + 'T').

28 - NO S(L)IDES disappoint in the playground...

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Thank you ProfM...should have seen areola, never heard of noside..

Can you tell me where the 9 letter answer goes please?

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...possibly in central column reversed?

Yes, but not reversed.

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Grid filled but don't understand how to do the shading....from the message...

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is it just 12 symmetrical answers?

The first 6 are clue answers in straight lines and the last 6 are 'bent' 5 letter words that can be read either L-R or R-L (the whole thing looks like the obvious item that hasn't made an appearance until now, pomona}.

...and, yes - a perfectly symmetrical end result.

Can't for the life of me see the 6 bent words.I fear I will have to start again, though everything seemed to fall into place very nicely. I can imagine what the final diagram must look like. Can anyone give me a hint for one of the words before I start all over again.

TREES in an inverted V shape at the bottom of the grid crossing the 'E' of FERN - you're creating the shape of an ice crystal.

Thanks so much Prof. All sorted.

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Ev 1675

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