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Guide Dog Puppies

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Vagus | 19:36 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

There was an article on the bbc national news earlier about guide dogs needing more people to take on puppies to socialise, it made me think of you, Tilly, and I wondered how you're getting on with it.

Would you like to tell us all a bit about what it's been like? I'd love to hear whatever you'd like to share 🐶



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Hi, Vagus.

The puppies we look after are not Guide Dog puppies but puppies that will eventually partner people with physical disabilities. 

There's a lot of training to be done and even if we only have them as fosters for a week, we have to take them to all the training classes and take them out and about to lots of places where they can be introduced to a lot of different stimuli. Shops, trains, cafes, parks, lifts and meeting other dogs, etc.

We love it and even though we have to treat the puppies fairly firmly and use all the correct command words, we get a lot of pleasure from their eager, willing, tail wagging. companionship

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That's lovely Tilly, how did you find the organisation?

Are they tiny puppies who need house training, do you get them as soon as they can leave their mum and have been jabbed?

Well done Tilly - an important service but also one that you clearly get a lot of joy from 🐕

My brother finds suitable homes for Labrador dogs of all ages and conditions. Altruistic fellow.

No, Vagus. They go to their puppy parents at ten weeks old and the foster ones we have had have been between four and eight months old. We are mainly a friendly, welcoming place to put them, should the puppy parents be called away for some reason.

I don't think I could cope with a tiny, ten week old retreiver/labrador although we are asked to reconsider changing our role, we are quite happy doing what we are doing.

So far, this last year, we have had five different dogs. All of whom have been a joy to have.

Thank you, Toorak. Yes, we do find it pleasurable and it gets us out of the house with something to do. However, I was very pleased not to have a dog with us when we had that rain-sodden day on Wednesday!


Well done to your brother, David.

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I can imagine the smiles they bring to your life Tilly.

Where do they sleep, are they crate trained or do you have to put them in a certain area overnight..or just leave them to it?

Do they wear hi viz jackets so people know they're being trained, we've seen one or two dogs with jackets on locally. And one tucked up inside a ladies jacket in the supermarket.

Has it made you consider getting another dog of your own Tilly, or are you quite happy doing this?

Will answer you properly tomorrow, Vagus. Just off to  bed now😴


Hello again, Vagus.

Yes, we use a crate but don't close it. Ours is in the hall and that's where the dogs sleep at night.

The trainee puppies all have a special id collar, and a message on the lead which reads 'Puppy in Training'. We also wear a id badge on a lanyard.

They get their full purple jacket when they have been fully trained.

They don

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Thanks Tilly, that's really interesting. You're doing such a great thing, long may you continue to get so much pleasure from doing it x


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Guide Dog Puppies

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