I've finally completed mine and luckily found this site for the last one (marathon), i'm too young to have known that one!
The answers for
70 = Drifter
71 = Bounty Dark
64 = Lilt
43 = creme egg
Hey - I know I was a bit 'out of date' but I only just got this 'quiz' - still never mind I can now sleep tonight 'cos we have completed it - thanks anyway, maybe in the future - you and I will help each other - love and peace XXX
Driving me bonkers now and I want to finish it before my boss does. Please please does anyone have the answers to 22 and 43. Have tried creme egg for 43 but it doesn't like it - if I put in cream egg it says I almost have it right but now I feel like putting a brick through the computer screen