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juliely | 21:55 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
With a nautical theme.
Any ideas?


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Probably clutching at straws, but there are two unconnected nautical words - halyard and bilges -

Question Author
There is quite a few little word like yard, bilges etc but I cannot figure out the complete word or words.
I don't know any sailors to ask!
Thanks Sue.
This is probably no help at all Juliely, but the nearest I can get is SAIL BY AND LARGE, the only problem being you have an H instead of A and N. I've been looking at this all day!!
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I am beginning to wonder if there is a mistake in that clue! I might try and find the phone number of the compiler and give them a ring.

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