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rt 8

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wendyl | 17:31 Mon 20th Feb 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
55 Answers
8a transport suspended to give official position a boost (9)
12a naval officer replaces unsuitable net (13)
16a grilled mexican dosser by mistake (5-8)
1d a french gifted person, that's not normal (9)
4d with plasticine she made vatican church(7,6)
15d one fool iscoffed to begin with (8)
Thanks to anyone who can help


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Johnalex, from the Drake part (if it is correct) you can work on parks in London (A R K in Drake) but still not found one that fits
Hi Burgess - Many thanks for updates. Have to go out now but will check in again later. Suggest we combine all our word lists, then test our anagram skills. Hello 2U2 ladies, what do you reckon?

johnalex, I'm begining to doubt the Drake suggestion and am searching for an alternative, one thought, the letters of NONES are all in Kensington but I cant find a word linked to Kensington with a letter D as in DRAKE.

Re the nautical word for wind clue, the bread is almost certainly NAAN or NAN, the wind could be SQUALL which includes the first four letters of SQUARE

Re the to complain clue, this is the one with the most alternatives, complain could be CARP, recover HEAL, the satellite TITAN or MIMAS, the note SO? therefore TITAN and SO = STATION. One further thought on this clue, Hammersmith Palace can be made up from CARP, ME (the note), MIMAS and HEALTH (not HEAL) close but I'm not 100% sure, what do you think? Back to Roget's to see if there is an alternative to DRAKE

Burgess - Your message received with thanks. Will get back on the case soon as desk is clear - never had a chance yesterday. I still reckon NONES is a front-runner having changed my mind previously. We need as many bankers as poss if we're to close the net. I've gone off nan/naan since discovering it is unleavened. Now considering 'pitta'. More ramblings later. Regardz ja.
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I am a bit puzzled I have received about 5 email notices about this thread since burgess3334 added the bit about drake for johnalex I keep hoping it means progress on the answers but nothing new has been added!!
Hello Wendy - Apologies for the mystique. This is proving quite a tough cookie, as we need to solve 3 anagrams, which have yet to be constructed, each with 3 or 4 components. I'm sure the actually solutions will come to us once we have the correct groups of letters. With so many synonyms, the combinations are awesome, so we need to shortlist the favourites to be in with a chance, then get busy with the London atlas! This is the way I see it, although I may be barking up the wrong escalator. More ramblings to follow. Hope to hear from Olivia who started all this! ja

Here then is my not so short list:

A1. WIND (NAUTICAL): blow, squall, lee

A2. EXPRESSING JOY: jubilant, blissful, ecstatic, euphoric, rapturous, elated

A3. SLIGHTLY LEAVENED INDIAN BREAD: pitta, paratha/parantha, chapati/chapatti, naan/nan, poori, roti, bhatura

B1. BEAKED GALLEY: drake, ship, kitchen

B2. GOAD (NOUN): spur, dare, firebrand, provocateur


C1. COMPLAIN: carp, grumble, moan, beef, grouse, gripe, whine, winge

C2. RECOVER: heal, mend, rally, revive, rescue

C3. NOTE (NOUN): ps, memorandum, memo, quaver, crotchet, minim, breve, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, doh, ray, me, fah, soh, lah, te

C4. SATELLITE OF SATURN: titan, rhea, mimas, dione, tethys, hyperion, iapetus

Burgess - Returning to your previous post, looks like you're well into it. I definitely like SQUALL which I've added to my own list. I'm also going to test out BLOW but have gone off LEE. I think the note SO is actually SOL (tonic sol-fa), sometimes SOH. Also seriously considering HYPERION for Saturn's satellite, which would give us a good chunk of Hyde Park. All for now, ja

johnalex, I have found othe names for the Beaked Galley on they include Bireme, Trireme, Unireme, Rostra, Embolon(Greek), Rostrum(Latin) just something to sleep on, bye for now, just for the record "Olivia" is my granddaughter, as she no longer uses my computer I have changed the sign in name
johnalex, if it is any help I have found out that the definitions given in the clues are from Chambers Dictionary
Burgess - Thanx for your last message which is highly relevant! This puts NAAN/NAN back in the frame (Chambers definition conflicted with other searches). Hopefully we can classify this as a 'banker' after a bit more research. ja
johnalex, one problem I have at te moment is deciding how to interpret "to recover" is it to improve health or recover something lost
Question Author
johnalex and burgess do please continue this thread even though it seem to be getting more complicated by the minute
Do either of you have the questions that have been answered as well as those being unravelled here. If we had a few samples of questions with answers it might help to get ideas on how these were worked out and provide clues

thanks Wendy

Wendy, you can get the quiz from:-

Matlock Town Football Club Supporters Auxiliary Association, Causeway Lane, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AR. send �1 plus SAE entries to be in by 31st March 2006

Hi Folks. Burgess - You're right about 'RECOVER' having two meanings but no way of telling which one to use. I even thought about adding 'Get Back' to my list, which would give us G,B and K for 'Knightsbridge', etc. The plot thickens . . .

I am now treating 'STIMULUS' as a banker, since Chamber's definition is: Latin for "a goad", not just "goad", which is a perfect match. The letters 'U' are good for Museums and Monuments - imagination running riot again . . .

I notice Quizmaster posted Matlock Q205316 yesterday - you may wish to correspond (I am not into the full quiz).

. . . and Wendy - thanx for continuing to host this thread. It beats doing the ironing. ja

Wendy, the clue immediately before the "Beaked Galley" clue is "Continue on stage," I have the answer to this one. The clue immediately after the "To complain " clue is "Study unaffected by the past in a building" I have an answer to this one which I am 95% certain of. The clues either side of the "Nautical word for wind" clue, are both anagrams. The first INTONE BUSKING SHOUT TOAST NET, the second KNOTTY NOG. Something for you to work on, I have answers to both
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well burgess I now have a copy of the quiz and about 5 answers so far. If you have all but those posed on AB you must be vereee clever. Can you tell me if all the questions set in capitals are anagrams and just those? Will have a go but I think I will need a lot of help to make much progress. My daughter's partner out in Spain a is a bit of a quiz expert I'll email him for help too!!



yes all the capital letter ones are anagrams, just a little help to get you started, bear in mind the people taking the journey live at the town where the football team play, therefore they have to return to this place. The answers to questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. are the same as 99. 100. 101. 102 and 103.

bye for now


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you won't believe how much time we've spent pouring over maps etc yesterday and today (including my husband who does'nt normally stray from his postcard collecting hobby!!
We worked out the first and last answer are the same but have not as yet solved the others. We don't often travel that way from the Essex coast or follow football and including names of hotels seems a bit harsh?


wendy, the hotels are all from the anagrams, from Matlock make for the M1, hope this helps


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