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DTGK Crossword

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bricro | 21:07 Sat 04th Mar 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Why doesn't someone just publish the completed crossword. What a lot of trouble it would save!


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Now that would certainly be cheating! Ha Ha!
Oh dear, you both sound like a certain cynical old friend of ours! Actually, I was just wonderng if someone could come round with a stamp and address the envelope for me... ;-)
And to think I used to google , now I can get most answers here with much less trouble. There must have been at least a third not here this week, must do better folks ! Perhaps it could be arranged so that all DT GK questions were grouped together to make it a bit easier for me
and what would my wife do on sats and suns if she didnt have to look upthe answers for me?????????????
I agree with you mike b, I would love to read what the Banished Bad Boy would have to say about that. could do with the ready to post envelope too.
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Well dear friends we could just click submit on the completed crossword and hey presto, sit back and wait for the postman.

Before I ever knew about Quizzes & Puzzles I once won a consolation prize: it really was a great thrill.I did it my way!

My Dad, who's 86 and relys on books and his own general knowledge, does the crossword and then meets with a friend on Monday morning to compare notes/complete it. I try to do it as well so that they have the full answers when they meet so AB is such a help when it's getting late on Sunday night and I've exhausted google! Thanks to you all I can always give him the completed grid.

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