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Iolanthe | 23:34 Mon 03rd Apr 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Perhaps I'm just being an intolerant old bat, but I often wonder if some of the people who ask for answers ever look up information on Google, or only come directly to this page! It also seems that a number of people don't often check whether their questions have already been answered. Answerbank should really be a last resort, not a first one!



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I agree with you. I think they miss out on the satisfaction of working out an answer or finding it for themselves. I always thought the object of doing a puzzle or a crossword was to exercise the brain. It really irritates me when the same question is asked again and again. I must be another intolerant old bat.
I must add that I am always happy to help (if I can) when people are stuck and have made an effort to find the answer themselves

Iolanthe; welcome to the Venerable Order of Intolerant Old Bats (gender-equal qualification in this context - and there must be a better acronym out there somewhere.) This site is definitely not recommended for those with a low tolerance/patience threshold and/or high blood pressure. On the brighter side, though, some people do seem to learn from a few subtle hints...

I tend to agree but I can't be bothered to stress myself out over it. This is cyber world and for all we know some of these people could be typing with their feet . They could be housebound,disabled etc... we don't know do we ? They could be complete computer dunces like me. They could be harrassed Mums with six children .This has all been said before countless times. Here is a recent example ion215786.html

Can I pleas join the venerable old bat club

Could I join your "Old Bats' Club". I discovered this website by accident while searching for a phrase; therefore was astonished to find such a site where some people seem to get all their answers without really doing any brain work whatsoever!


Part of the reason for doing crosswords, as far as I am concerned, is to try to keep my brain from slowing down! So I do try to get as far as possible without any help. I do have a "Franklin" to fall back on (once, using it on a train, I was soundly told off by a fellow passenger for cheating - I told him that as I had bought and paid for the Franklin, the newspaper, the pen and the seat on the train, he could go away and mind his own buisness!). And of course I Google like mad (and have found as a result that my Googling skills have improved no end). I also use OneLook, which I think is an amazing resource - gets better all the time.

And then, when I am really stuck, I come here. And I am very grateful indeed for the help!! T

Thank you all.

Hi Shaneystar2, I have just read through the previous thread that you mentioned and completely agree with the opinions expressed.

I have noticed that you are one of the ones who usually supply the answers pretty quickly and accurately. It seems to be the same ones who keep asking repetitive questions but, hey, I suppose we can just skim through them. I DO wish they would put the crossword name in the title (as MOS or DTGK which some do) which makes it easier.

Good Luck!!

I know Argee..and the people who don't put all their Q's in one post or think we are mind readers annoy me at times too ! I could rant on too but have to think of my BP!

I just answer them and forget about it !!

It's just human nature....but...what really annoys me are the people for whom you do an awful lot of research or track down a really elusive answer for them and there is no feedback ! A star rating would suffice ..just to let you know that your answer had at least been noted. But I'm afraid that's how it is these days.
Anyway not to worry..I am off to my bed ..Goodnight to you and Happy Puzzling.

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