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earthakitten | 20:54 Thu 06th Apr 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Haven't seen the Fairford question today ! Does this mean some brain box has worked it out ????? xx


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Well I haven't I am still asking - Had a suffestion of Eastenders but not too sure - can't seem to prove it any where. I don't watch it so makes it harder. :-)
that should read suggestion
And I'm still puzzling over this one, too. I don't watch East Enders either, but no-one I've spoken to seems to think that there are significant characters called Rachel and Simon in it. What's it got to do with Fairford, anyway? This is the last one I need - and it would seem everyone else needs it, too. Hurry up someone, and put us out of our misery.
Just thought I'd announce I haven't got it either! Have even tried anagram of Rachel and Simon to no avail, also tried googling Fairfield in case it was a misprint, but no luck.
Can you tell those of us that don't know the quiz what you need? We can try to help.

I think someone has suggested this before but if you Google Fairford, the first hit is for a map of Fairford. If you expand the map (zoom in), the red arrow pointy thing is directly above a road called East End. If you take the initials of Rachel and Simon, and add them to East End you get EastEndRS. Probably extremely thin, but after spending way too much time on a quiz that I'm not doing myself [:)] cos it's been doing my head in too, it's the best I can come up with.

Love to know the answer if anyone else comes up with something different.

Thanks Trojanfarce, I tried that and my computer promptly told me there was an error and shut down, very useful. I'll try again later.
I still think the answer is Friends, where the place it is set in is Fairford, and there is a Rachel (and possibly) a Simon in the characters

well for a brief moment and just to give you all something different to think about I considered Vets in practice and dont ask me why.

I still dont like counterpoint and dukes of hazard but guess no one has any other ideas for these 2

Wont be all be relieved when we've posted it off

I've Tried that one myself smouse,as Rachel and Simon seemed to ring a Bell,but alas got nowhere. Also tried Friends.

Hi All,

Been trying on Cousins who Hook, came up with "The Patty Duke Show.

The story of Identical cousins,both parts played by Patty Duke, but have quite opposite personalities.I'm not very good at explaining things, so i'll leave it to you to Google and see what you think.


I was over on the forum at TripAdvisor when the infamous Fairford question came through sent in by one of you lot. Here's my take on it.

Rachel Ward was born in Churchill, near Chipping Norton in the Cotswolds, Simon Ward filmed 'Young Winston' about Churchill at Blenheim Palace in the eastern edges of the Cotswolds, Fairford is in the Cotswolds and has a road called Churchill Place. A bit far fetched but it's all I could come up with.

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