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Can anyone can explain to me why

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inej | 21:35 Mon 17th Apr 2006 | News
9 Answers
Can anyone explain to me especially people who live in the london area why you there are no doctors surgerys to join ,My sister phoned her drs for appointment for worrying problem told she had been taken of books because not attended surgery in 2 years they told her given place to refugee sudanese lady ? Why ? when my sister pays tax ,ni she now as to find new dr (how) or pay private .What is going on ?
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This is something you should write to your MP about, Inej

He will write to the Dept of Health who are sort of in charge of the places that GPs can practise

Good luck - it will take about 10 years

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Thanks Peter Pendant , we have got to either turn into hypocondriacs and keep turning up the drs for anything to not loose your place or go private . Riduculous.
i always found getting a docs appointment in london really easy - i does take a phone round to get a surgery to put you on the books but there are loads. I generally used those drop in centres instead - very easy and just as quick (plus no need to be registered with them etc.)
how do they know that???? hmmm... we are going to take so and so off the books and give their place to a refugee and make a note of that, and where refugee is from so we can explain it when they phone up for an appointment. The receptionist needs sacking IMO.
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Tell me about it Goodsoulette, my sister was furious. She has been with that surgery for 12 years and then they do this,It certainly made her crazy.

Do you wanty the real or the politically correct answer.

This is wrong - I can't believe that your sister has understood what she has been told. I work in the NHS and I would be very surprised if anyone was removed from a GP list for such a reason, and certainly not to accomodate a specific patient. Your sister should ask the GP practice to tell her in writing why she has been removed. She should also contact her local Primary Care Trust - they are responsible for NHS GPs - and ask them to look into it.The GP practice will be able to give her the contact details for the Primary Care Trust. If thereis a valid resaon for removing her from the list, the Primary care Trust can find another GP practice for her.
And the mainstream parties wonder why people are turning to the BNP.
with a bit of a search on the web i agree with Hal - you can't be removed from a gp register for the reason given in this post, make a complain to the gp manager - this page has some useful links on it http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/n6w/index/family _parent/health/frequently_asked_questions_abou t_health.htm#canmygpremoveme

I think the receptionist is lying or trying to drum up support for the racist parties - if it is true she should complain and maybe go to the Daily Mail - they'd love it - might even make a few quid!!

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