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number puzzle

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bobobalde111 | 08:16 Tue 27th Jun 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
tagged + stamps + dated + late = delayed

each letter is a different number what number is represented by delayed


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bob No luck yet! I've had a quick look over lunch "al desk-o" but have another meeting to attend soon. I'll look at it again this evening and report back tomorrow (if it has not been solved in the meantime). Cheers!
Question Author
thanks for trying hopefully youll have some success
you should maybe stop arranging meetings on a tuesday

for what its worth ive been trying all day with no luck
Sussed it! The answer is DELAYED = 1258921

In numerical order 0123456789 = MDEPTLGSAY

Counting columns 1 to7 from the left, method of solution:
D = 1 (col 7); S + E = 9 (col 1);
S + T = E + 9 (col 6) probably
G+ A + L = 9 or 19 (col 4) probably

2879 32879? - I think not! Cheers.
Where are you, bob?
Question Author
ive just returned from corwall today cant get paper there unfortunately back to normal on tuesday
have you seen or heard from julie fer recently
Welcome back bob!

No I haven't seen any signs of juliefer for some time now. I wonder what's up?

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