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what comes next

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jaysplace2 | 09:37 Wed 12th Jul 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
what comes next ,


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Hello Jay - That should have shown in upper case - seems to be a regular glitch on this site. Try again . . .

LL without spaces . . . . . L L with one space
. . . worked that time but don't know why!
Hi johnalex. If your message is completely in capitals (only), then AnswerBank will switch it over to lower case.

Since your second posting had letters of mixed type, then then capitals become sensitive and are faithfullly reproduced.

Anyway - why LL? What's your reasoning?
Hi Crofter - Thank you for your explanation. I'll have to watch that in future, perhaps add quote marks? As you know, I usually explain my answer unless I believe the questioner knows it, i.e. just testing the rest of us!

A = 3 straight lines, B = 1, D = 1, etc.

Regardz, ja
So for "i" this only works in Times Roman - not in Ariel used for the question!
ta ja - crofter
Good point Aging Fast - Serif fonts are often more reliable but perhaps a little too austere. Wasted many moments on the wrong track with iiii's and llll's. Cheers! ja
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ok folks i found the answer , it was how many straight lines are in the letter , so LL was the next then MMMM , NNN P RR TT V V W W W W X X YYY Z Z Z

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