Does anyone know the answers please? in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Does anyone know the answers please?

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classylady60 | 09:18 Sat 05th Aug 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Based on characters in the Bible, can you work them out from the clues below? Would be great if someone could thank you.

1 - One rung and then a layer for this hero
2 - Scots chap on his own
3 - A garden compass point to leave
4 - Pop digests 6
5 - Initially an H in the shopping mall
6 - Did he take the biscuit? (I think this one is Jacob)
7 - Only two thirds of a stomach to wed
8 - Can he drink eight bottles? (Methuesela ??)
9 - Did he refuse the ENT Doctor's instruction?
10 - Did he make a heap of him? (Uriah)
11 - A boost for the Duke we hear
12 - Wash the queen (Bathsheba)
13 - No natural birth for him

Good luck and thanks to anyone who supplies the answers

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1 Step hen
3 A bed ne go
8 Methuselah equivalent to 8 champagne bottles
13) Jesus ?
4 David
13 Maybe Caesar (caesarian birth rather than natural)
2) Solomon
9 could be Noah, No "Ah"
11 Philip
Could 13 be ADAM ?
Question Author
Thanks everyone you are doing great... torn between Adam and Caesar for 13... think poss Adam... no natural birth... v difficult.

rogerr... Philip? Not sure why... only Duke, but why "boost"... these are soooo difficult

Think 9 is Noah.. that's good - can only think of it like it is said.. No Ahh ... yeh.

Thanks again for your help.

Fillip = boost
Question Author
Thanks again to one and all, esp "ageing fast" (cor, sounds like me lol) for explaining Philip..... didn't even give it a thought.


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Does anyone know the answers please?

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