Cathy112 is lying to you Margie. You are on the right track.
On the left side of the screen, near the middle, is a seach window. Type in part of the clue and it will bring up any other discussion of that clue on this message board. Many Marlboro questions have been asked and answered here and you can find them all by searching. will see that Cathy112 has been outright lying to you.
have created a forum specifically for the Marlboro Outwit the West challenge. Please go there. All of the questions have been created as topics. Feel free to put in what your ideas are even if you don't know the answer. Me personally, I wouldn't just take someone's word for it. I'd take their idea and then research it to make certain it is correct.
Go to Remember to keep it clean and nice. As long as we don't exceed my 92000mb of bandwidth the site will stay free.