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dt cryptic

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riscagirl | 17:31 Sat 02nd Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Hi everyone. I'm a bit new at this so please bear with me. I have two stubborn clues in the crossword
12a because otherwise raw material was taken to college O? E???
and 3d which fits in with it. T?A???E?E???
Any help would be gratefully received thanks RG


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or else (ore + lse)
12a Or Else
Transference.. Across is Trans...Barrier is Fence Hesitation is 'er' Trans f er ence
To explain 12a. Raw Material is Ore...College is the London School (of) Economics.. Lse

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Thanks all - esp for the explatnations too RG. I'm determined to finish this one. Only a few to go now. Again thanks
Only just logged on, and seen you were in very capable hands!!!
Welcome to the site and happy puzzling!!!

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