mine is to set up a children's charity in a country not so fortunate as us here. Its amazing that a lot of children are expected to beome head of the household if their partners die, and many do not have anyone else to turn too - www.foreverangels.org the link is an example of what i'd like to do in the future.
For now I'm happy to donate money and resources to this charity (such as nappies and sachets of calpol) - i know that all the money sent goes directly to the baby home and the children - not on advertising, sadly like many other charities..... take a look if you have time, it will make you think about your own life and family....
foxydivano1 its funny coz iv recently been thinking about this 1 and since havin my son iv realised how much i love kids so maybe in a few years id love to think about been a foster parent it really upsets me to think about those poor little babies and childen who are treated in such a cruel way
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