Good Morning JimJools, tollview asked "has this
well built guy baked us a meaty treat" I put the answer
down as Beefcake the letters I had were ?e?f?a?e
BUT were I had the letter f tollview had p SO I
wondered if the crossword was in the scottish
Sunday Mail as the f in this works in with fort in the
road. I 'd just like to double check before I post
this morning. Thanking you
Aaah! It all becomes clear. I thought lack of sleep was affecting me already. Had to get up to take other half to work as it is poring with rain here. Came back to find a rather large spider had taken over the bedroom - Yuuuuck.
By the time I found something to deal with it, it had disappeared. So I decided I would rather come on here than risk it finding me in the bed. So now I am knackered. Ah well. :-)
ha! the spiders yuuuk I think those bigger ones
have moved from the country in to the towns and
appear with the heavy rain (rained all night but dry
now) do you get the Sunday Express? I am stuck
on Giles question - By 1956 , price controls on food
and drink were lifted on all but one commodity what
was this? I've tried googling this.
Thank you for your help.
Sorry, I saw this one posted earlier, but couldn't find an answer.
I am in the country so we get lots of - BIG SPIDERS - and ofcourse the rain makes it worse - still poring here. Good luck with your question, if I find an answer I will come back and post it.
ah I found that someone said Milk, I thought it was
sugar, shall wait and see if someone can confirm.
Back on the 20th inst there was a question about
spiders and daddy longlegs and craneflys. The
are all creepy crawley and I just wish they'd creep
elsewhere (won't kill them)