Use your spreadsheet programme (eg. Excel) to create a very simple database. Create columns for author (in the format 'Last Name, First Name', Title (moving any 'The's or 'A's to the end, following a comma), and any other info you want to use - ISBN, subject or whatever.
Now, say you want to order them by title - highlight all the rows you want to order, then click Data > Sort. You'll get a box asking you whether you've included your header rows or not, and which column you want to sort by first. Just select the options you need, click OK, and wahay - you're there!
You could use a database programme, but if you're not too computer-savvy they can be quite long winded to set up and can sometimes do quite alarming things if you're not too sure what you're doing.
I use Excel to manage our library service's 400 odd subscription titles in this way, and it hasn't let me down yet.