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ShamrockBlue | 01:34 Mon 02nd Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
8dn) Transfer, taking silver back (6)
I have 'second' as the answer, but not too confident about it.


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Here is one definition of "second"
verb: transfer an employee to a different, temporary assignment (Example: "The officer was seconded for duty overseas")
I don't really under the silver in your clue but the above gives second as as transfer.
Hope it helps.
I meant to say "understand"
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Thanks Ontarioice , I'm wondering f the 'silver' may refer to silver medal given to second place ?
Thanks again for your help.
It's possible, but why then the "taking back?"
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Aye that's the bit I'm stumped on !
At this late hour i'll settle for second though, goodnight ontario, cheers.
Transfer,as ontario says is second,
taking silver is to come second.
to back someone is to second them.

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