Over the last two weekends stretts has proved the most consistent with early hits both runs.
Taking the answer as VITAL SIGN (not SIGNS) several ABers (including myself) will be disappointed to come so close.
The bonus points (for the FIRST hit) go to Tenter (for TASTE), gardenknowin ( for THREE) and stretts (for MINT).
Taking into account one point for each hit (irrespective of being first or not) this weekend's scorers are TWO points for stretts, gardenknownin,Tenter and johnalex (for TASTE and THREE); and ONE point to JMR27, Chiefpanda, jan1956, chriss, shaneystar2,sally, Arabesque and Magyar.
Over the last TWO weekends, the Hot Shots have been:
4 points = stretts
2 points = gardenknowin, Tenter, johnalex, bridgenut, crofter, Dee Sa, JimJools, and Magyar
But all could change next week!
If you would like this scoring system to continue (just for fun) or you would like to opt out, then let me know.