Morning Arabesque ... Received mine this morning.Just a copy so I still don't know what they accepted. Half point only for 16 (npower Ashes ...) so I think I got 961/2 points. ... equal second by my reckoning !!!!!
What a waste of extra printing for all the returns.Surely that is less for the charity or more expense for the setter, so much cheaper and easier to return a marked one.
What do people not understand about
'PLEASE RETURN ORIGINAL QUIZ' wirtten at least twice in two different places !!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps not for all, but it is important to me to get my copy back, complete with a score so I know where I went wrong.
The bee in my bonnet is getting dizzy now so I'll stop. Speak soon. Can't wait for the Cransley Logo one to come back. I wonder if they have seen my notes blazened across the entry !! xx