TV2 mins ago
Michael Jackson
12 Answers
The time has come for people to stop judging Michael Jackson. He is a fine person who is betrayed by cynists who oppose him because he tries to help children with cancer. He performs and writes the most moving music on the earth, helps not only children, but adults in times of need. He is as innocent as a child, gives so much time and money to charity - yet he is portrayed as a freak and child abuser by journalists.
When will journalists realise that what Michael Jackson is the greatest man alive and that the tabloid editors and columnists, cynists and OTT critics are the ones that will end up burning in hell. They should stop writing these columns and start flying out to aid the poor and the needy.
Ladies & gentlemen, Michael Joseph Jackson is the closest there is to Jesus Christ apart from the Lord himself.
When will journalists realise that what Michael Jackson is the greatest man alive and that the tabloid editors and columnists, cynists and OTT critics are the ones that will end up burning in hell. They should stop writing these columns and start flying out to aid the poor and the needy.
Ladies & gentlemen, Michael Joseph Jackson is the closest there is to Jesus Christ apart from the Lord himself.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I think you've taken it a bit too far to compare him to Jesus, or to suggest that cynics will burn in hell. I also think that he is a bit of a freak. I mean freak, like he isn't your average normal person, but maybe thats what the tabloid editors, columnists, cynisists and OTT critics have turned him into. When you're that famous, you will be judged (harshly) on everything you do. Bad publicity is a better newspaper seller than good publicity. I would say that he has made some mistakes in his life, probably the biggest being trusting certain people that shouldn't have been trusted. The one thing that can never be taken from him is the music that he has written, some of the best and most moving on earth. Unfortunately, he is a victim of his own success.
Tom McGregor you are as entitled to your own opinion as is anybody else. In my opinion Michael Jackson is a twisted egomaniac with an unhealthy liking for young boys, who also has too much money for his own good. I also believe that he is mentally unstable and should be locked up both for his own good and for the safety of young children that he engineers contact with. Time will tell which one of us is correct.
Personally speaking, his music does nothing for me. I would also dispute the "closest to Jesus" claim - name me one bona fide miracle MJ has performed. I too suspect that it interest in children is somewhat unhealthy - though would concede that this may be due to his emotional developement being stuck at that age rather than any pedophilic tendencies (though one day the truth will out). Is it normal for a grown man to pay for the companionship of children? Or to pay their parents for silence? How about the recent claim (settled, I believe, out of court) for money MJ owed for pulling out of a set of concerts? Hardly the actions of someone near godhood. Finally (for now, at least) - what about those ridiculous claims that his face is caused by disease and not failed plastic surgery?
Jesus he is not.As for abusing boys i think not the bloke is a child in a mans body he is childlike down to the way he giggles when sex is mentioned.This bloke is a real life Peter Pan the only help he needs is to come to terms with the fact that he has had no life to grow up he couldnt go to a park and play ball he has been under the public eye since he was 4 he talks to them kids like he is a child.The only case to be bought towards him was that of Jordy chambers (i think thats his name) and wasn't it so funny how Jordies parents had not been in his life untill his relationship with Michael Jackson arose bet the millions they recieved made up for that.Michael J has atleast 10 people a day around him bodyguards etc there is no way he could get away with abusing children without someone noticing.Even his children were not conceived naturally .Maybe we should all stop pointing the finger at MJ because he is infact himself an abused child that doesnt know what it is like to be a child he has the money to buy anythinng except to buy his childhood back however he has tried to do this through his money by having things like never ever land.Since when did we all become so knowledgeble of what it is like to grow up under the spotlight out whole life and to be treated like a pet seal.Maybe we should all stop being so judgemental the fact of the matter is in this day n age you can't hug your own child or innocently bathe with them without being called sick...there is real nasty child abusers out there so lets save out energy for them......geez i need to take a breath now... :)
PLease also look at this link wrote by a police officer who dealt with the Jordy Chandler case sorry got his surname wrong before I totally agree with this.
Interesting link, ANUSHIKA, but the poster could be anyone; and given the standard of grammar in the post I don't think that he (?) is particularly well educated and therefore unlikely to be one of the higher ranking officers on the case - which means that his access to ALL the evidence would be restricted. I suspect that it is an MJ fan making an apology for his idol. As I have already stated, though I'm not 100% convinced that MJ has done anything untoward with these children, I'm afraid that your idea about bodyguards doesn't wash. I have two names for you: Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski.
Good point but how may of Clinton's staff came forward when it all came out lets be honest it didn't take long for us to know all the gory details or the sordid affair what I mean is that all the years that Jacko has been in the public eye there would surely by now be a lot more come out but there hasn't just this one case and a lot of people have questioned how real te allegation was!
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