Due to the climate suiting the growing of certain varieties of grape, white is the most common English wine - as above -a nice golden / straw colour in the glass.
Broadly similar to German varities as the latitude is so far north, though I gather there is a wine grower in the York area that is trying out a red variety, and one or two other vineyards, in Devon and Gloucestershire, are trialling as well.
For info on the wines - and bear in mind that wines from the UK are winning tasting awrds all the time and the days of it being a joke in a bottle are long past - have a look at:
http://www.englishwineproducers.com or at:
http://www.english-wine.com for loads in news and buying advice / links to the vineyards.
The wine that beat every other wine at a blind tasting of sparkling wines recently was English - Nyetimber Classic Cuv�e 1998 - so do support the UK producers and give the foreign stuff a miss.............