Ah - Found you at last!
I think that you are every much like me! Whenever I have attempted humour or sent a personal message, I always find myself in two minds whether I should send it! What will people think? How will they react?
I didn't wish the following comment on that particular posting about the use of LOL to be seen to be a "put down". I have come to the conclusion that I "print and be damned". If someone reads it the wrong way - so be it! I apply the motto of the Knights of the Garter "Honi soit qui mal y pense" = "the shame is his who thinks ill of it"!
Fortunately my recent comments appear to have been taken in the spirit in which they were offered, but emotions are running high at the moment and who can tell just how people will react.
Perhaps you can see why I did not wish to lay all this out on an active posting and preferred a more personal route.