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DTGK/herculis 23a break with a snapping noise -n-p

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cpfcrosie | 12:42 Mon 18th Dec 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
Is it just me, or is the answer in the clue, snap, or am I missing something?


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I've put Snap.
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what do you think of knap, which was my other possible answer?
I've put Knap as snap is in the clue .
Knap - to break into pieces, esp. with a sharp snapping noise, to break, flake, or chip (flint). I see what you mean, it's certainly an option.
Where's sarumite?!
Sorry , I am trying to finalise Sun Tel cryptic, running late this week .... I have put Knap which fits the clue according to Chambers.
More b. Tippex, then. Does anyone know whether they accept it? Thanks, anyway, to you all.
I would think that as long as the grid is legible they would be honour bound to accept entries ??
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thanks, I will go with knap
I use an "eraser.max" biro made by papermate, available in wh smiths. This allows me to erase my many wrong answers (eg fluorite/ bluejohn today) and put correct ones in without spoiling the grid. i can recommend it to all!
I am probably even less confident of always being correct first time, so take a photocopy to fill in!
So Holmer nods?
That rebounded! Homer!
Like cpfcrosie I too use eraser.max (from Staples also). The blue ones tend to be slightly better.
I;ve put bluejohn but thius should correctly be Blue John so what is the correct answer?
I put the grids on a spreadsheet each week and fill the answers in on the screen, then when I believe it's right I copy it onto the newspaper grid for posting. Big advantage is the ability to zoom the image so that it's easy to see! No messy Tippex either.
The correct answer is Blue John - but don't let that put you off!!

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DTGK/herculis 23a break with a snapping noise -n-p

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