I must be really stupid cos I can not get numbers 22 or 28 and it looks like I am alone. I know everyone seems to be struggling with nos 45 and 48 so I won't mention them. Can someone please put me out of my misery! Thanks in advance.
Hi Granny grump.
I have to confess that I got most of these from other peoples posts.
It's hard to give clues I'm afraid so I'm just going to give the answers.
Hope this doesn't spoil it for you. Here goes:
8. Do you hear what I hear
10. I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night.
14. A spaceman came travelling.
17. In dulce Jubilo
18. O holy night
Let me know if you want any others although there is no guarantee that I have done them right!
Hi Granny Grump
The expanation for 17 is as follows:
Think Che Guevara.
The che is in dull which gives the In Dulce.
Shylock was a jew and therefore there is a Jew below or Jubilo.
As previously mentioned I can't take the credit for this. Another ABer got that one.
Let me know if you want further help and I will do my best.