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christmas quiz

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burgess3334 | 10:51 Mon 01st Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
can any one help with the last few questions,
Q36. What animals are protected by St. Stephen
Q37. What is a Christmas Card in Cockney rhyming slang.
Q10. Which is the only church in the UK permitted to use mistletoe for decoration.
Q29. What did Sir Christmas Humphrey's do.


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36 Horses
37 Railway guard
10 York Minster
Question Author
thanks for great answers fibonacci,
for the Sir Christmas Humphrek's question I have found two possibles, but both are shown as Mr. not Sir, one is founder of the London Buddist Society, the other a judge who prosecuted Ruth Ellis?
I hav e just one other question,
Q23 On which day was Christmas Day celebrated before the 4th century?
I dont know if this helps or not?

The oriental Christians for a long time assigned the 6th of January as the date of the advent; and as they supposed his manifestation to the eastern Magi and his nativity were on the same day, they, in reference to both these events, called the day Epiphany. His baptism was also supposed to have taken place on the same day of the year, and hence this feast was a favorite period for administering this ordinance. On the other hand, the western Christians made a distinction; and whilst they celebrated the Epiphany on the 6th of January, fixed the 25th of December for the Nativity. This was said to have been ascertained as the right day by Julian I., who was bishop of Rome from A. D. 337 to 352; but though the authority for this statement may not be the best, it is sufficiently clear that it was not till about the middle of the 4th century that the Western Church set apart the 25th of December as the Festival of the Nativity; and not till a much later period that the Eastern Church fell into the same usage.
6th January is indeed correct and is still known in some parts of England as Old Christmas Day.
Question Author
thanks BritWrite and Lipsiot, glad you came back to me, I had a different answer
I think Christmas Humphreys was a judge back in the 1960s or 70s
Judge vs buddhist - I have just looked him up again and found more detail and your answers are both right burgess3334 - it's one and the same man!!!
Question Author
thanks dmk, I found this one but he is only refered to as Mr not Sir, so still looking

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