Daily Telegraph Monday 15/01/07 GK Crossword 17across?
Re 17a clue �Alternative spelling for North African esparto -
Definitions from Answers.com
es�par�to (ĭ-sp�r'tō)
n., pl. -tos.
A tough, wiry grass (Stipa tenacissima) of northern Africa, yielding a fiber used in making paper and as cordage.
Either of two species of gray-green needlegrasses (Stipa tenacissima and Lygeum spartum), native to southern Spain and northern Africa, or the fibre produced by esparto.
Esparto, or esparto grass, also known as "halfah grass" or "needle grass", Stipa tenacissima, is a perennial grass grown in northwest Africa and southern Spain for fiber production for paper making.
or Al�fa grass n.
A plant (Macrochloa tenacissima) of North Africa; also, its fiber, used in paper making.
The above is therefore saying that -
esparto = Stipa tenacissima or Lygeum spartum
alfa grass = Macrochloa tenacissima
What does Chambers say?