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Metal Quiz

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sjprop | 10:24 Thu 25th Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
just the last few to get - appreciate the help - all the answers/questions have a Metal connection.
E.I - not a live metal
P. this tradesman uses little of his traditional metal
C. American Civil War northerner fighting for South


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Previously, I think the only answers for EI were "Earth Iron?" and I suggested that if the 2nd letter were lower case L then "Earth Lead".

P - Plumber (hardly uses lead these days)
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thanks for your help - it is an I not an L so earth iron is most likely
C. Galvanized Yankee
I assume the letters EI, P and C are initial letters for the answers, Aquag.
C... Copperhead
Maybe, Phil7, but Google Galvanized Yankees. There's no other name on offer, with or without metal!
Yes, Copperhead. I'll buy that. I stand corrected - again :-(
Don`t feel bad Aqua it took some finding. A book on Amazon called Rebel , led to other books you might read,led to one called Copperhead.
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thanks for all your help - quiz completed at last
Can you help me please with 61. K French town famed for arms manufacture.

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