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Flower People

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foxlair | 20:33 Wed 21st Feb 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Have you all except for me done part 2.I still have three left.MrGrundys pinniped. Mrs Pitman moving slowly.and Alias Jack in the Pulpit.All are names of plants which include a persons name.Thanks for any help


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Jack in the pulpit has several names- the cuckoo pint is one and another is Arum Lily so guess that one fulfils your criteria

Mrs Pitman is Jenny the racing trainer so this one is Creeping Jenny
And the other is Solomons Seal. Pinniped is a seal, walrus and the like. And Solomon Grundy stars in the old rhyme
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Thanks burnhal thats great .Not much more todo now

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