1 in which 1960,s film did richard attenborough sing 2 what did you do with splendo 3 in which year was the national health service introduced 4 which world heritage site was built for the duke of marlborough 5 who signs himself ebor 6 what didi you do with onoto 7 who was known as the prime minister of mirth 8 what did men do with anzora 9 which daily publication is britain,s oldest 10 what is vinolia
The London Gazette is one of the official journals of record of the United Kingdom, and the most important among such official journals in the UK, in which certain statutory notices are required to be published. The London Gazette is the oldest surviving English newspaper and the oldest continuously-published newspaper in the United Kingdom, having been first published on 7 November 1665.
The wiki article goes on to say it is still published daily ( although weekdays only )