stuck on 24d group of 12 sheaves of corn (5) and 28a items won by the winner of an all female race (5) Have both answers starting with s and ending in k Help
24d Could be either Stook or Shock, or possibly even Shook ! There was considerable discussion on this item earlier this morning .. so take your pick. (S)
But notice that 24d is a greyed answer which has to link with one of the answers in Monday's Herculis. Hopefully all will become clear tomorrow. I can't imagine anything linking with STOOK.
Must admit that I didn't notice that porilo....shock is certainly a viable alternative as 'to shock up' is the verb that old farmer's used for setting the sheaves up. Link will probably be 'wave' or 'horror'!
I worked on farms in Warwickshire in 1950s, and we called 'em "shucks" (Possibly spelt "shooks") My father (b.'04) and grandfather (b.1870) also said "shucks" or "shooks". probably dialect word different in different parts of country. I don't remember seeing word written down.