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Wragby X & Z

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chelle017 | 23:36 Fri 23rd Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
22) Perennial plant with flowers of white, yellow, red and purple

23) Domesticated animal of the ox family

25) With abrupt alternate right and left turns

42) The highest point

59) One of the hills on which Jerusalem was situated

73) Excessive dryness of the mouth, due to diminished secretion of saliva caused by drugs, poisons or disease


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22 Zinnia has both annual and perennial varieties and comes in a variety of colours
23 Zebu
25 zig-zag
42 zenith
42. Zenith
59. Zion?
73 The dryness one is Sjogren's Syndrome but I don't think it can be spelt with a Z
73. Xeroma
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Just found answer thanks it appears to be Xerostomia
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Thanks every one for the help

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