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Children of Fiji huddle found an answer

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smouse | 23:15 Fri 30th Mar 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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thanks smouse thats the first site i've seen that actual gives huddle as the word for any animal
Thanks smouse, that means hippo definitely isn't the sea horse then.
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no going back to walrus AGAIN for sea horse
I dont do this puzzle ... but in Chambers ...

under the definition for sea horse ...

Hippocampus .... the fabulous hippocampus, a sea monster with the head and body of a horse and the tail of a fish; the walrus (archaic); the hippotamus (obs
The same link also gives a huddle as the collective names for walrus and penguin. Scroll down to the second half of the page where there is a list of the collective nouns and the animals to which they apply.
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I know that but we have decided penguin is a bird and walrus is the best one for sea horse

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