Reply from Ed concerning suspensions in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Reply from Ed concerning suspensions

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paulineward | 10:37 Mon 02nd Apr 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
Had following reply from Ed re recent suspensions. Very helpful?? Not a bit consistent either...I'd say. Rules the same as they've always been?...mmm


Thanks for your email and sorry for the delay in getting back to you,
suspension rules are the same as they have always been i.e. if you post
than 3 times in 5 minutes the account will be suspended until one of
Editorial Team unsuspends the account.

Hope that clarifies things for you
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Hi pauline, I was reading your link with kayakamina from last night and realised his posts were awfully close when replying, you might like to let him know what these crazy rules are, I know he was censored, bad enough, but being suspended would be worse and so unfair - just so he's aware. Steff
Pauline, don't you get fed up with being treated like a BF? I do.

If the email accepts a reply, I suggest you ask where this is shown in the Rules.

But I doubt if you'll get an answer. Aq.
Pauline, The Ed must be catching up on her backlog of mail I guess, as I received following e-mail this morning also ....

"Thanks for the email and sorry for the delay in getting back to you, your account has now been unsuspended.

As none of the content on any of your postings has been explicit, offensive, abusive etc the reason behind the suspension is most likely to be due to excessive posting i.e. you have posted more than 3 times in 5 minutes. This
rule has always been in place and is not by any means a new feature.

Hope this explains the problems"

AB Editor
Question Author
Will do that A...but as you say won't hold my breath. Also these rules are not consiiiiiiistent at all. They seem to do what they like!
K is aware of the rule seekeerz, I have tried to be careful posting him. It is ridiculous on a site of this nature.

I'd better be careful what I say..or else it might be to the tower with me!! Big Brother eh??
This has to be part of the "Site Rules" if it is so important that offenders get suspended. When I got suspended I had no idea that I was and later no idea why. Could not understand my answers being stripped from previous questions. None of this really makes sense.
Question Author
Don't know what all the i's were for!! Not consistent spelling!!!
It seems that the suspensions are not automatically done, as aquagility and sarumite were not zapped until monday and the "offences" occurred on saturday.
Having read sarumite's reply it appears (to me) that he was reported by an ABer.
Strange that 3 top quiz answerers have been suspended
isn't it ,when others have got away with doing the same.
I could say who I think is responsible, but will get zapped
too if I do.
Hello, little rabbit. Where have you popped up from?

You make an interesting point - and I too could have a good guess as to who our Quisling might be. I turned back to a memorable thread - not so long ago - and the ringing bells were deafening!

Never heed, life will doubtless go on.

Oh dear....I missed most of the action as I was away skiing & playing bridge which was totally exhausting - but good fun - for someone of my advanced years. Although the hotel had internet access I was unable to do anything except 'read' as I'd forgotten my password and was too incompetent to rejoin under a new alias as I couldn't do anything with my hastily organised hotmail address.

Am very distressed that roger rabbit & aquagility both think that one of our own group (who must have benefitted from the collective wit and wisdom of everyone on Q & P) has been so petty as to report aquagility & sarumite. He / she
must have got the message that the rest of us don't think such behaviour is acceptable.
I find this whole matter so frustrating; yes suspend people who consistently post Question after Question, which is annoying and unnecessary as they can be put in one post. But the object of this otherwise excellent site unless I�m mistaken, is to provide answers to people�s questions as simple as that. It seems quite silly to have someone waiting for an answer, and the only person online at the time that could answer it is unable to, because of an inappropriate rule. Come on Editor get this mess sorted out it�s a great site that just needs a bit of sensible tweaking here and there.
That's a better idea ... penalize those that take up the whole front page with single questions for the same quiz or crossword. Someone usually asks them not to if they are new but it seems no notice is taken a lot of the time. xx
You're absolutely right, BriWrite. But we don't think the Editor reads these threads (and sometimes that may be just as well!). So why don't you let her know how you feel in an email, using the "Contact us" facility at the foot of your Profile?
The more the merrier.
I have said this before and I will say it again ....I have often posted within this silly five minute rule and not been suspended which leads me to believe that it's not always a robot kicking in when anyone posts too quickly. After all people post Q after Q and post after post in other categories well with five minutes and they are still there. ...so I am dubious . It only needs a malicious person with multiple user names to start playing silly B's... ..and it seems very strange that it's only our big three that this has happened to !!
I have posted a message to the Editor see AB suggestions, and also forwarded same by e-mail.
Crofter tells me (see below ) that he has written to the editor. I doubt he will get anywhere but good on him !

http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Quizzes-and-Puz zles/Question387551.html
Question Author
Have been out most of the day! Just logged on. What a few are suggesting would really tie in with the inconsistency wouldn't it? How petty and sad! There must be loads of web sites for people like that to make a nuisance of themselves! No place for it here on Q&P!

I too now think I know who you mean, the way their posts are written under different names give them away. I will say no more or I will be zapped also! If I am then ..you know who you are...it will confirm it.

Life is so short, and there is so much going on in this troubled world of ours, why can't the simple pleasures in life, like coming on here, not be complicated.........

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