In answer to your question, R&S is 'Religion & Spirituality' - it's a section of Answerbank that comes under the main heading of 'Society and Culture'.
thanks Naomi. Don't often look at Society and Culture - thought it might be another site altogether.
Also thanks for the wikipedia. I'd tried looking for collective nouns there, but obviously failed! Eventually got 19, and pleased to say got 41 at last. Wode up at 3 am thingking Eureka!
By the way, my answer for 67 (first word) does NOT start with a T.
yes J
Job lot is when you want one item at a household auction, but have to buy a basket load of rubbish as well!
I can't see it being the lot - not elegant enough for Rainbow quizzes.
Now finished - except I don't like 32 - I'd always though of S C as opposed to SS.
Hi Goofy, yes I agree 'The Lot' doesn't seem right, but that's the answer Chambers gives, so I really don't know which is correct.
No 32. I see your point about SC, but SS is a very common expression. I think it depends on what sort of work you're talking about. For example, office or shop workers wouldn't be SC - they'd be SS.