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MM and KM Link Games

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crofter | 21:15 Fri 20th Apr 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
73 Answers
It must be Friday (again) and the weekend is upon us. By now cliffyg is self sufficient and is doing VERY well under his own steam ~ He's poised for yet another exciting challenge and I couldn't even begin to guess where his mind will stray!

Look out for "early doors" at 8.45am (Saturday ~ like tomorrow) when King Cliff will set out his weekly challenge!

Long before that, the sister game (KM Links) will kick off on AB ~ thanks to Steff (aka seekeerz) who's very big "down under"! Steff has packed her "tucker bag" and will be "waltzing her Matilda" with her didgeridoo strapped to her back and the corks around her hat brim swaying rhythmically to her happy stride!

Luckily for me, Steff will never read this ~ otherwise, I'd be SOOOO dead!

Hey, note how sharp Pauline is becoming! I believe she's metamorphosing into a female "wickedtongue"!

I leave the rest of this posting to the "Shrubbery Patrol"



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I will be there rogerr...will think of some appropriate hymns!
Are you doing the sermon!!??? Think Sarumite should do something in the circumstances!
We will start with All Things Bright and Beautiful, followed by Bright Eyes!
At the end Helen , my daughter has suggested we sing Run Rabbit Run Rabbit Run Run Run!...Don't let Sarumite get his gun gun gun!!!
Goodnight Rogerr...hope you get to see my last post!
Cliffyg...I am NOT scared!!!!n Bring it on!!!
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Pauline ~ What a wkd family you have!

Tomorrow stay Kool, Kalm and Kollected ~ yet Kreative!
[so says Krophta]
As always I arrive just as everyone has gone to bed, but I suppose it is a bit late. I am back from Brixham after 2nd grandsons birthday. Sam was 6 on 14th and Joe was 4 on 7th . My daughter moved to Brixham last Easter from Lichfield so with the events of the last 6 months (my husband died in October) I miss the family very much so I am going down there again on Tuesday until Friday!!!!! You all should know how I get Evsajo as a name now. I have a granddaughter called Evie, the trouble is since chosing my name I have had another granddaughter called Mathilda so do I become Evsajoma or Maevsajo or do I stop as I am?. Sorry I missed you Pauline, I did log on earlier but I still feel a bit of an intruder when all the banter is going on. You are all very welcoming but sometimes I just don't know what to say,especially as you are all so good with your computers with pics. I don't have a clue how to do that!!.This was my husbands computer as he was an architect and used it for plans,I never really used it so I just learn bits from my son and daughter but nothing complicated. My daughter has suggested I go on a computer course for dummies so I am watching out for one! Speak to you allin the morning ,Goodnught to anyone still up.Luv Evsajo (Kay)
Sorry for last nights ramblings but I had been a bit down last week. I apologise to all of you as I am usually as mad as a carrot. I promise to be more cheerful in future. Sorry!!!!!! Evsajo
Hey!!! Stop right now!!! No apologies necessary on here! You were not such thing as rambling amongst friends!!....and you are ordered to join in next week..I need all the help I can get!
I do advise a computer course. I did a basic one, the the ECDL, am so glad I did. I could only just about turn it on!!
You go for it!
If you read through this post from last Friday zles/Question392515.html

There is info on how to post a picture. Have a go on that thread, as no-one is using it can mess about!

Have a great weekend! Take care!
Pauline xx
Hi Pauline--It was a great service--loved your choice of songs.
Sarumite just had to spoil it didn't he--fancy bringing a knife and fork and a bottle of HP sauce!!!!
Evsajo--no need to apologise, we are all prone to a bit of rambling now and then. Do join us in the shrubbery--we need all the help we can get!!
rogerr...glad it went well! Poor Uncle Fred! 'Hare' today gone more rabbiting on I know!!!
That Sarumite can be wicked!!
Evsajo - I don't know that you missed anything in the Shrubbery: while that band of merry revellers ( ? lager louts ?) were sleeping it off, Dizzy Lizzie led a successful dawn raid on the KM problem. I wasn't quite straight behind her but managed to be in with a chance of picking off a few targets.
Hi evsajo
You'll note that we weren't able to join the merry band either as they all pop off to bed just as we sign on - there being a six hour time difference which means we lag behind.
Never apologise for letting your feelings show. You are among friends on this site and we all have our ups and downs, some more than others, but that's what part of friendship is, being able to share the ups and the downs.
If you're down we'll try to lift you up and if you're up then you can pull us up with you. Remember: 'Friends are the angels who hold you up when your wings refuse to fly.'
Take care of yourself.
The Ont-ices.
That's nice Ont-ice..will remember that one! You do have a way of giving comforting words when needed!! I know only too well.
Will try and stay up late one night for you!!! Getting a bit past it now!!
Much Love Pauline x

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