I really hope you get your prize, and I think you should persevere...I sent in a picture of my cat about a year ago with a halo (a strange trick of the camera light) around her head, for the general pages. Instead, they used it in their Spooky Snaps page )or whatever it is called) with someone else's name and address underneath, and wrote a horrible story about it being a cat which had died of cancer and had come back to tell us it was happy in its new heavenly home. We were all really upset by this, and phoned in several times to complain. We were told that they could do nothing, as we had not kept hold of the issue number of the magagzine. I always wonder whether someone put a friend or relative's name under the picture and sent them the money instead of us, but I cannot prove anything and it still makes me upset even now. So good luck in getting your prize, as it seems a difficult situation at that particular magazine company.