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The Mama | 22:49 Thu 17th May 2007 | Adverts
7 Answers
Please tell me the name of the soundtrack that accompanies all of the M&S Luxury Food TV Ads


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At the river by Groove Armada
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Sorry, I thought it was that but its not - thanks anyway
It used to be 'ALBATROSS' by Pink Floyd but they've changed it. perhaps that was the one you meant.

the recent advert is groove armada at the river.... Armada%20-%20Vertigo%20-%209%20-%20At%20The%20 River.mp3

but before it was indeed albatross by fleetwod mac
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Thanks for your replies but I've found out the answer to my question - the music is Samba Pa Ti by Santana
Full list with samples here =marks

Could it be Samba Pa Ti by Santana?
oops sorry missed the last answer. Doh!!!

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