Hi I'm back - been making the marmite and honey sarnies - but it looks as if people have moved on past them. Never mind, perhaps I can use them as a skid pad for Sarumite to launch on (in the wrong direction!)
Maxi2 , if you don't know by now it's the start of the competition which starts tomorrow morning - any time from 7.30 onwards for the KM link words , and 9.00 for the MM link words . Have a look in and have a go ! What you have to do is guess what the link words will be on monday to go with the link words from saturdays Telegraph crossword . The MM link is similar but chosen by whoever was top the previous month - points are awarded . See you there hopefully . Hope that explains things for you . Regards
I would love to know everybody elses tactics for tomorrow...and why does burgess...(the MUCH MUCH OLDER brother of evsajo...(a lovely lady!)...gosh how she must suffer!!)...think of such weird links!!!
Maxi 2 - welcome to the shrubbery party club - Bridgenut has given you the sensible explanation. End of the week 'itis' accounts for the rest, a long running 'joke' which you'll pick up on as the weeks go by (but, be warned, it takes endurance, nerves of steel, lots of cunning plans and the essential x factor, marmite sarnies.
Only had one glass tonight - Tanqueray and bitter lemon - but a rather large glass .Very nice . Night all , see you in the morning when battle commences .
Jools...sounds good!
Will have to pull the cat out of the bag this weekend..Reg and I are going away next Saturday to Jersey for a week. So I need to score top marks this week...no chance!!!
I'm off to bed now. Goodnight all - see you in the morning. Now where did I put that sleeping bag, I think it was under this bush..... no, maybe that one over there.....Ah, here it is. Right thats me settled. Night all.