I'm confused. I want to do what is right for my baby but don't know what I can eat or drink during pregnancy. I am young (19) before my pregnancy I was fairly slim (I was 9st and 5ft6) and I'm reasonably fit.Can I have the odd glass of wine? Is smoking completely banned when pregnant? I always thought iron was good in a pregnancy but now the government says iron supplements may be harmful! I can eat sushi or red meat! What flippin can I eat?
Thank You I've been so busy with exams (and partying)that I've not been able to come on here.I'm back for today though, but only today so amke the most of it :-)
For some reason health guidelines have recently been changed to say that expectant mothers shouldn't drink at all, despite there being no new research. It's up to you on the smoking and drinking thing, although if I was expecting I'd want to give my baby the best possible start by taking no risks with these things although I know it can be difficult to give up smoking! As for what you can eat talk to your doctor/nurse/midwife, they should all be able to give you some relevant advice!
Just because I'm a bit of a trouble maker doesn't mean EVERYTHING I post is a lie! If I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't want to know what I could eat when pregnant! I would actually ask an irritating question.
You know what the answer is, just don�t drink. You don�t need too. So whether its going to put your baby at risk or not why chance it. Whether it�s a troll or not BOO it�s a serious question. I don�t go by the names underneath I go by the question. We�ll just see where it goes