Well, the second week of the reign of gen2 is upon us and I (foolishly) promised to have a go at setting out the Rules of the Links Games (time permitting)! Very briefly, we pay homage to gen2 as the Laird of the Links simply because he scored more points than anyone else playing MM throughout the Month of May. His reward? He gets to set four words every Saturday morning (at 9.00 am) for the current month and we need to predict his link words that he has chosen in the style of the TV game of "Blankety Blank".
Each Entrant tries to predict his four links and each effort is scored according to a set of rules. To make things a little easier, predictions are limited in length of words (4 to 8 letters please). How are points awarded?
Sarumite honestly you can tell me , I wouldn't tell anyone else.Pauline wouldn't try to find out i'm sure. If I was in Big Brother house would like a really good cook to be there too and someone funny,I like Peter Kay and think he'd be quite interesting. I think it would be good to meet all the regulars from AB because I have a mental picture of everyone but it would be good to meet them all in person.
I just thought I would pop in on my way to bed and its taken me ages to trawl through this lot and click on the links for pictures etc. Love your multi tasking Pauline! Those chinese take aways look good too! Saw the green blood on Ont-ices thread, I hope mines still red - just pricked my finger and I seem to be OK!
Have a good night in the Shrubbery I'm off to bed, I have a good book that I bought today, 'night all xxx
Behave yourselves - oh but then why should you?
Course I wouldn't!!! :-)
evsajo...I would love to know what mental image you have of me...give us a description, and I'll tell you if you are near!...do NOT interfere Sarumite...I can imagine your image of me!!!!
Promise Me by Harlan Coben, sort of crime, mystery, a friend of mine gave me two of hers to read ages ago and I enjoyed them and found this one in Smiths today (buy one get one half price) I'm a sucker for a bargain!
Once you get on here its hard to get off, afraid to miss anything - just one more drink and I'm off !!
Just had to pop out to drive some friends home. Off to bed now. Will look out for the Birds and Bees, Crofter
,and for Sarumite's woolly hat hiding in the shrubbery. I don't know why but I'm sure S has a woolly hat.
I need to study you more gen2...not picking up vibes yet!...will lie low, observe the strange behaviour, watch the stalking of the prey, listen to words used to put others off scent....then creep in slowly and pounce!!!
Pauline just did my description of you but its disappeared. I imagineyou are quite tall, slim, light brown short hair,always smiling an all round very nice person.Have to go to bed now ,am very tired and have my 4 year old granson sharing my bed so I expect an early morning!!!!! Goodnight everyone see you all in the morning. Sarumite don't get too cold sitting under that bush.Kayx