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colossus no.186

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kellee | 14:46 Thu 14th Jun 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Here l am again, question 33d Distasteful (N-A-O-E) 109d doughnut shaped solid (T-R-S).was checking my entry and found that l had missed 2, can anyone help please,l would be so grateful, l have been doing this particular puzzle for several weeks, and what with website down and having a buy another laptop,l am quite fragile to say the least (selfpity), mant thanks once again


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109d is TORUS
33d could be NOISOME?
33d Noisome
109d Torus
Shine on ~ S*2
Question Author
Thank you shaneystar2 and crofter. If l do win anything at all shaneystar2 l should really give you the prize because as well as now ,in the past you have been so very very helpful.
Good luck Kellee . .I used to subscribe to "The Works " but it got too expensive now that we live on a fixed income .Lol ...but I did win a few bits and bobs with them and hope that you have a win too . I may put a subscription on my Xmas list this year as I used to enjoy doing them .I do buy the odd one now and again if I see them in the shops .Happy puzzling ....Shaney
Question Author
l understand your situation we are the same and as much as l would like l would also wish for the works, ah well one can only do that WISH, l have my local shop put aside certain puzzle/crossword books when he ges them in,being a very small shop he only gets a few copies of each so lmake sure l bag some of them, l really enjoy my puzzles, l check to see if l know any of the answers to try and help others but you always seem to beat me to it, good luck in the future.

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colossus no.186

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